Halloween Horror Nights 2024: New House Reveals and Easter Eggs Uncovered in Universal Studios’ Tribute Store

The countdown to Halloween Horror Nights 2024 has begun, and fans are eagerly anticipating the terrifying event at Universal Studios Florida. With all the original houses already announced, excitement is building for what’s to come. And thanks to some eagle-eyed fans, we may have some clues as to what lies ahead.

Recently, visitors to the Universal Studios Tribute Store have uncovered hidden Easter eggs and hints about what’s to come at HHN 33. From references to past houses and characters to teasers for new experiences, the tribute store is a treasure trove of speculation for horror fans.

Unveiling the Original Houses of HHN 2024

Slaughter Sinema 2 at Halloween Horror Nights
Photo: Universal Orlando

Let’s start with the already-announced original houses. Slaughter Cinema 2 is coming back with a vengeance, promising a B-movie horror marathon featuring creatures, grindhouse gore, spaghetti westerns, and more. Major Sweets Candy Factory will take guests on a field trip gone wrong, as the sweets at this factory turn out to be deadly. The Museum: Deadly Exhibit will transport visitors to a folklore museum where an evil entity has escaped and is wreaking havoc on everything in its path. And the Goblins Feast will bring goblins, orcs, hobgoblins, and witches to life in a gruesome feast. Then there is Monstruos: The Monsters of Latin America with La Muerte as your guide, you’ll be begging for piedad (pity or mercy) from these three terrifying legends: Tlahuelpuchi, La Lechuza, and El Silbón. We also have Triplets of Terror when you’re invited to the Barmy triplets’ birthday bash. But beware, they celebrate by recreating their family’s murders. Prepare for a gory gathering.

Major Sweets Candy Factory Halloween Horror Nights 2024 HHN
Photo: Universal Orlando

Decoding the Easter Eggs at the Tribute Store

Halloween Horror Nights 2024 NEW HOUSE REVEALS HHN 33
Halloween Horror Nights 2024: New House Reveals and Easter Eggs Uncovered in Universal Studios' Tribute Store 11

But what about the other four houses yet to be revealed? Universal Studios may have given us some insight into what’s coming with their marketing tactics. In fact, some fans believe that Poseidon’s Fury might be making an appearance next year or in the near future at HHN. How do they know? Well, they noticed some interesting details in the tribute store.

Speculations and Clues for the Unannounced Houses

Halloween Horror Nights 2024 NEW HOUSE REVEALS HHN 33
Photo: Kevin Heimbach on YT

As you enter the store, you’ll see a main board advertising job opportunities at the Global Discovery Group. However, upon closer inspection, you’ll notice that “now hiring” has been crossed out and replaced with “closed.” There are also some requirements listed, such as being able to climb a ladder and having a wealth of knowledge about Greek and Roman mythology. The lowercase letters that appear on the board, however, spell out a hidden message that is the most revealing aspect. Put them together, and you’ll see “Darkon lives.” Darkon is the villain from Poseidon’s Fury, and his mention in the tribute store leads us to believe that HHN might be bringing this attraction to life in the form of a house.

Halloween Horror Nights 2024 NEW HOUSE REVEALS HHN 33
Darkon is the villain from Poseidon’s Fury

The Intriguing Revelations from Lagona Lounge

Halloween Horror Nights 2024 NEW HOUSE REVEALS HHN 33
Halloween Horror Nights 2024: New House Reveals and Easter Eggs Uncovered in Universal Studios' Tribute Store 12

Moving on to the Lagona Lounge, where visitors can relax and enjoy a drink, there are also some intriguing clues. A coaster featuring various Universal monsters may not seem like much, but upon closer inspection, fans have noticed that it may be teasing an upcoming overlay at the All Hallow’s Eve Boutique. This boutique has played host to various Universal monsters in the past, and it seems like this coaster may be hinting at their return.

Mr. Tape’s VHS Tapes: A Key to Unlocking HHN 2024

Halloween Horror Nights 2024 NEW HOUSE REVEALS HHN 33
Photo: Kevin Heimbach on YT

But perhaps the most interesting Easter eggs can be found among a stack of VHS tapes in the tribute store. Each tape features a Mr. Tape character with different props and costumes. Fans have noticed that some of these tapes seem to be referencing past houses or other spooky themes. For example, one tape shows Mr. Tape with a triby mask (a nod to something spooky) and a giant knife, as if he’s just slaughtered another VHS tape.

The Thrills Await: What to Expect at Halloween Horror Nights 2024

Museum Deadly Exhibits Halloween Horror Nights 2024 HHN
Photo: Universal Orlando

So what does all of this mean for Halloween Horror Nights 2024? Well, it’s all speculation at this point, but fans are already coming up with theories about what each Mr. Tape character could represent. Some believe that these tapes are teasing upcoming houses or experiences at HHN. Only time will tell if their predictions are correct.

Halloween Horror Nights 2024 NEW HOUSE REVEALS HHN 33
Photo: Kevin Heimbach on YT

One thing is for sure – Universal Studios is not holding back on the scares for Halloween Horror Nights 2024. With Easter eggs hidden throughout the tribute store and teasers still to come, fans are in for a terrifying treat. So get ready to scream your lungs out and face your worst nightmares, as HHN 33 is sure to be an event to remember.

Which of the announced original houses for HHN 2024 are you most excited to experience? Are you a fan of horror-themed events like Halloween Horror Nights, and what draws you to these immersive experiences?

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